Thursday, May 31, 2007

Can You Really Earn Instant Money Online

The biggest temptation for newbies to Internet Marketing is to find a program to earn instant money online. But if you want to build a sustainable, profitable business, you really need to focus on strategies that will grow your wealth slowly but surely. Earning instant money online is possible, but will depend on the knowledge, experience and skills of the person, and usually the results aren't consistent in the long run.

Having said that however, it's great to be able to start your new internet business, make some quick sales, have some cash flowing in, and some extra motivation to keep going. Having a small success early on is a stepping stone to bigger success as you learn and progress. Okay, so let's have a look at how you can earn instant money online in the short term.

First step is to choose a niche (preferably one that interests you or that you have some knowledge in). Once you have done your research and chosen a niche, you'll want to narrow this down and select a product or several products that will fit-in with this niche. Be on the lookout for front-end products AND back-end products so that you can make follow-up sales with your customers. You can find products at and and become an affiliate for each product that you choose. Each sale made by you results in a commission, paying-out anywhere from 25% to 75% of the sale price.

Now, if you don't already have your own website that fits in with the particular niche and product you are offering, it doesn't matter, because there is a way around it. You can simply set-up your own blog (short for weblog) that you theme around this niche, and promote all the niche affiliate products on your blog page. Go to to set-up your account and blog template, and then you can start adding content to it. What you can then do, is add some short articles and reviews of the products you are promoting (ensure you have your affiliate link in the blog post). Each time that you make a post in your blog, make sure that you "ping" the post to alert the blog directories. This will start to bring in traffic from the blog directories and hopefully convert into sales for you.

The other thing that you can add to your blog is adsense. You simply add some code from Google (you need to sign up for this) into the appropriate place on your blog page and Google ads will appear on your blog. When someone clicks on any of the ads, you will earn some money for each click. Keep in mind that the amount of money is usually just a few cents per click so you really need a massive amount of traffic to make any real money from this. Also consider that when someone clicks on one of these ads, they will be taken away from your site. So you may only earn 20 cents from that visitor instead of a potential $20 or more from an affiliate product sale.

Now, consider writing some articles (around 500 words or so) that are based on your particular niche. Down the bottom of your article, have an author's resource box that has a short description of you and your business AND a link to your blog. Submit each article you write to some quality article directories so that you will begin to get readers, credibility, people clicking on your link, traffic back to your blog, and hopefully sales.

Keep doing these things on a consistent basis and you will see increasing traffic and sales. It does sound very easy to earn instant money online but at the end of the day, a lot of work is still required to see any worthwhile results. Once you are experiencing some success, you may want to expand into other niches, and work on some long-term strategies to really build your business.

Source: Free Online Articles from
About the Author:

Andrew Jones has been a business owner for the past 10 years, and is now an Internet Marketer and Plug-In Profit Site owner. Discover the best ways to earn instant money online.