As a staff writer at 'Home Based Business' we regularly answer questions submitted by our members, one great topic is online advertising.
More and more traditional advertising is losing its luster to companies all over the globe. Online advertising continues to grow, removing other ads from areas of everyday life; television, print media, billboards, and radios. Companies have several reasons for changing their ad campaigns from typical to electronic. It is a phenomenon that will continue to grow depending upon how people treat both advertisements and the Internet in future years.
People are spending more time on the Internet every day, which is one of the reasons companies have decided to put more time and money into online ads than traditional advertising. After all, who is going to see an ad for Pepsi Cola on television if people are too busy checking email and watching videos online? People can do virtually anything online; go shopping, talk to other people, send letters, look for a job, play games, do research, listen to music, and even watch favorite televisions shows if one knows where to look. The Internet has offered people an entirely new world and they wish to see and enjoy it.
Companies have begun to realize that more often than not, people are bound to bump into their products online as opposed to seeing it elsewhere. In every day life, people can easily skip ads by turning off the television, ignoring them in magazines and newspapers, and switching to another station on the radio. But online, they are there on the same page people are looking at, possibly leading to an accidental click-through here and there. With so many people online spotting an ad they may decide to click, more money is earned than through traditional means. A person can see an ad, go to the company’s website, buy a product, and be on their way in a matter of minutes. Traditional tends to imply people must see the ad, get into their cars, drive to the store, and buy the product. Not as fast or easy.
More perks of online advertising opposed to traditional means include the ability of companies to tailor and track ads that consumers see. A company may never be sure of how many people are seeing or hearing their ads otherwise, but website hits and click-throughs make for fast and simple numbers that companies can use. The ability to tailor ads can mean more sales. Showing hundreds of people an ad for a bookstore may not have very many results, but if the company can formulate ads that show 20 people ads for mystery books, 20 people ads for historical books, 20 people ads for cookbooks, and so on, they are more likely to have hit on the correct people for that specific type of book. This catches a person’s particular interest more and can lead them to the site and the sale.
Internet advertisements are also much cheaper, allowing companies lower entry-level fees and less spending overall. With a large budget and low fees, a company could easily create twice the amount of ads it would otherwise. This gives them a wider range on the Internet, allowing for more people to see the ads, and eventually leading to more sales. The Internet is global, so a company that can spread the word of its product far and wide has expanded its chances for making money.
Some companies are even using their dollars to lead people away from traditional media and onto the Internet. Superbowl commercials recently began to utilize their power to advertise company websites, such as Some companies advertise radical videos that do not allow you to see the end unless you visit a site, as Mitsubishi’s brief ad campaign, which earned them a staggering 11 million hits during the 6 hours after the ad was shown. Recently with the release of Windows Vista, they utilized odd ads during a Comedy Central comic presentation that lead people to different sites – and, but always referred back to the main Windows Vista site.
While all these perks do not mean that traditional advertising will eventually disappear (everyone always looks forward to the new Superbowl ads), it does mean that more advertising may crop up online. However, with new ad formulations such as Google’s AdSense, which are text-based ads that look similar to search results and have been gaining in popularity, people may not have to worry about a sudden increase in annoying pop-ups or obnoxious banner ads. As long as people continue to use the Internet for their daily lives, companies will continue to put more money into online advertising to snag that extra sale.
The staff at regularly updates the 'Home Based Business' website with new information on the up and coming work at home jobs and other Internet based home businesses opportunities.
Source: Free Online Articles from
About the Author:
Bill Scott Webmaster Features Home Based Business and Internet Business Opportunities. It's like a Myspace for entrepreneurs.
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